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Fort Collins, CO - Workplace Partners | Office Furniture Fort Collins
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Fort Collins, CO

Choosing the Right Office Furniture in Fort Collins

When selecting commercial office furniture in Fort Collins, businesses typically have individual needs and preferences. Whether outfitting a new office space or revamping an existing one, the correct furniture can enhance productivity, comfort, and the overall aesthetic of your workplace environment. Below you will find a guide to help you make informed decisions regarding your office furniture. 

  1. Understand Your Needs

Before diving into the world of office furniture, it’s essential to understand the specific needs of your business.  Consider the size of your office, the number of employees, and the type of work they do. For instance, a creative agency might benefit from collaborative workspaces and flexible furniture arrangements, while a financial firm might need traditional, more formal setups.

  1. Ergonomics and Comfort

Ergonomics play a crucial role in office furniture selection.  Some team members spend long hours at their desk while others only sit a couple hours a day.

Employees who spend long hours at their desks, it is important to invest in ergonomic chairs and adjustable height desks. Ergonomic chairs should provide support for the lower back, adjustable armrests, and seat height adjustments. Height-adjustable desks or sit-stand desks can also enhance comfort and promote healthier work habits by allowing employees to switch between sitting and standing.

On the other hand, team members who only sit a couple hours a day can have a more basic desk chair. The chair can look identical to the other chairs aesthetically but does not have as many ergonomic functions. Some employers or ergonomics teams may disagree with this. But a lot of our clients choose to   purchase a lower cost basic desk chair to save money on the overall office furniture project.  

  1. Quality and Durability

Commercial office furniture is an investment, so it’s important to choose pieces that are durable and made from high-quality materials. While Working with Workplace Partners you will gain a solid understanding of our good, better, best product offering. All our products are built to withstand the wear and tear of daily office life. We back all our products with warranties ranging from 5 years to lifetime. 

  1. Aesthetics

The appearance of your office furniture should align with your company’s brand and the image your company wants to project. Whether you prefer modern, minimalist designs, classic, or traditional styles, your choice of furniture should reflect your company’s identity. Consider how colors, materials, and designs will blend with your office decor and contribute to a cohesive look.

  1. Space Optimization

When looking at office space one of the most important things we consider is the price per square foot per employee.  Efficient use of space is crucial, especially in offices with limited square footage. When taking this into consideration business owners need to consider how many private offices, conference rooms, training rooms, cubicles, etc. are needed. One of the best ways to maximize space is cubicles.

Modular furniture also known as cubicles can be rearranged or expanded as needed, offers flexibility and helps maximize space. When space planning Workplace Partners works with businesses in Fort Collins to plan for future needs. Our design team shows Fort Collins business owners an existing versus future floor plan. This way future growth concerns are addressed before new office furniture has been purchased.  

  1. Local Services

Workplace Partners is a local office furniture business who works in Fort Collins daily. We have been in business for over 10 years and have extensive experience in the office furniture industry.  When selecting office furniture, you will be working with one of our Workplace Consultants from the beginning to the end of the experience. This is different to larger dealerships where the salesperson makes the sale then the Project Manager takes over the sale.  

Workplace Partners has in-house office furniture installers who live in Fort Collins and surrounding cities. The installers are experienced and provide you with personalized service, prompt delivery, along with a furniture walk though once everything is installed. This ensures customers are happy and there are no unanswered questions.   

  1. Budget Considerations

While it’s important to invest in quality, balancing your budget is equally crucial. This is why our Workplace Consultants provide our customers with up-front cost expectations. This takes place by explaining to customers what price to expect in our good, better, best, office furniture solutions. The last thing Workplace Partners wants is to present office furniture solutions which do not fit the customer’s needs. Office furniture comes in a range of price points, so determining our clients’ budgets in the needs assessment will give us the capability to provide our customers the best office furniture solutions for their money.


Before a client receives a formal proposal from Workplace Partners, ergonomics, quality, aesthetics, space optimization, sustainability, and budget have been taken into consideration. Our goal is to understand your specific needs so we can create a functional, stylish, and comfortable workspace that enhances productivity and reflects your company’s values. Our goal is to create a workplace environment where employees thrive, and business success is achieved.